Hofreistæ badeplass

Foto av: Navn Etternavn Hofreistæ beach Spacious and child friendly Toilet Sandy beach Large parking available Easily accessible    Sted Parking on the south side og Hofreistæ vatnet: Hofreistæ, 4389 VikesåClick here for directions...


Foto av: Navn Etternavn Lauvtjødnå beach Small and nice lake that gets warm in the summer. Sandy beach Bathingplatform Table, barbecue and rubbish bin Child friendly Terrace Toys for children Small and nice lake that gets warm in the summer The beach area is on the...

Gådå badeplass

Foto av: Navn Etternavn Gådå Spacious and child friendly Camping not allowed Many parking spaces Large sandy beach with a sandy bottom Child-friendly area The beachfront is shallow Volleyball court Large grassy area around the beach Surrounded by lush forest Toilets...

Grøttelandsfossen badeplass

Foto av: Navn Etternavn Grøttelandsfossen Natural watercourses and swimming pools. Description Grøttelandsfossen in Bjerkreim is known as an excellent bathing spot. Among the large and powerful waterfalls, there are several quiet and nice natural swimming pools....


Foto av: Navn Etternavn Grøttelandsfossen Parking: Parking is available at Stavtjørn Winter Camping (fee of NOK 60). Description: Grøttelandsfossen in Bjerkreim is renowned as an excellent bathing spot. Amidst the large and mighty waterfalls, there are several calm...